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can a youtube video be edited after uploading

Take you ever noticed an error in your YouTube video after it has already been uploaded and shared past yous and others to social media?

If you lot accept found yourself in this situation, your first reaction might exist to panic and think y'all must gear up the error, delete the uploaded video, and re-upload the new one.

Nevertheless, this process will render your previous video link dead, and any embeds of your video will show the following image to visitors.

Don't forget that y'all volition likewise lose all your stats and comments associated with the removed video. Nonetheless, there is a amend solution. Welcome to the YouTube Editor.

Beyond the basics of producing customized video thumbnails, the YouTube editor allows yous to edit the video itself in a number of really useful ways. Here are some of the edits and fixes you can do to your uploaded YouTube video without losing your link or stats.

Trim Your Video

There might exist times when you desire to cutting out parts of your video at the commencement, middle, or the stop. This capability is especially helpful for those of y'all who do live streams and have besides much dead space that you want to remove.

Rather than re-uploading a new video where y'all will lose comments, the original URL, and the number of views, follow the steps beneath using the YouTube Editor.

  • Log into your YouTube account.
  • Click on your profile picture in the summit correct-hand corner
  • Select YouTube (beta).
  • If y'all are currently using an older version with Creator Studio, click on it
  • You lot can and then choose to apply the Beta Studio.
  • Click on the videos tab from the left side card.
  • Now click on the thumbnail of the video you lot want to edit.
  • Choose editor from the bill of fare on the left.
  • Now that you are inside the YouTube editor, you can choose to trim the beginning or end of the video. The process is the aforementioned no thing which end you want to cut off.
  • Click trim and see the bluish bar at the beginning and the end of your video.
  • Hover your mouse over the blue bar until it turns white and shows double arrows. When it does, you can drag the bar to the function of the video you want to keep.
  • The process is the aforementioned for the offset or the end of the video.
  • Note that when you select an expanse you want to remove, it will exist a darker color than the rest of your video.
  • Now click preview to run across what your edited video looks like.
  • You can make further edits by clicking edit trim.
  • Once you are satisfied with your edits, click save.  The sections you highlighted will exist taken out in the concluding version.
  • While the edits are being processed in the background, your original video volition proceed to exist shown to your viewers until information technology is replaced with the finalized edited version. Information technology might have a few hours to process.
  • To remove a portion of your video that is not at the beginning or the cease, first select the area you want to remove.
  • When you find the first office of the video that you want to trim, click trim and then click split.
  • Once you click split, you will see another white line similar you did when trimming the beginning or end of your video. Drag this other white bar to the place in your video where you lot want it to start over again.

If you lot demand or want to, you can trim multiple parts of the same video using the aforementioned process.

  • Click preview to review the edits y'all made.
  • Click edit trim if you want to make any additional changes.
  • When you are satisfied with your edits, click salve.

Practise Not click on the "x" over the department you have selected. It volition not remove it from the video. Information technology will, however, remove your selected section.

You lot will not exist able to save your edited video until yous preview information technology kickoff. The save push button volition exist grayed out. Even so, once y'all preview your changes, the button will be bluish, and you lot volition be able to save it.

Edit Your Audio

Changing the sound or music file in your YouTube video is a unproblematic procedure. Some of the reasons you might want to swap or add audio are:

  • You might desire to add together some music in the background of a live stream event.
  • YouTube blocks your music track because it violates copyright as defined by law.
  • A content ID claim is placed on your video. It is different from a copyright violation in that it is a bargain between content partners and YouTube. Content ID claims do not block a video. They don't count as a copyright strike and don't result in your channel being suspended or terminated.

Let'southward go started showing yous how simple information technology is to swap or add music to your video from the more than 150,000 free music tracks bachelor inside your YouTube aqueduct.

  • Start from the same editor section y'all used when trimming your video. Look for the music note and click the drop-downwardly next to information technology.
  • When you lot click the blue audio push, you lot will be taken to a different screen, as shown below.
  • Select from one of the sound tracks provided by YouTube. You lot tin can sort past genre, mood, and duration.
  • Once y'all have selected a rails you like, click add to video then save. The audio will then exist replaced.

The ability to trim your YouTube video and to swap out the audio are two means to avoid losing your stats and links. Nonetheless, many other valuable features of the YouTube Editor tin can aid you drive more traffic to your videos and increment engagement. Here are some examples.

Add an End Screen

Using the YouTube editor, you can add together an end screen to:

  • Sentinel your virtually recent uploaded video.
  • Provide a link to a related video on your aqueduct that yous desire the viewer to sentry next.
  • Pb your viewer to a specific video or playlist you cull on your channel.
  • Get people to subscribe to your channel.

You volition be given the choice of using a template or starting from scratch.

For more specific and detailed instructions on how to add stop screens, lookout man the following video on the bailiwick.

Add a Blur

At that place might be a situation where you lot don't want to show someone'southward confront in a video. Rather than accept it down, you tin use YouTube'southward mistiness face feature.

You can as well choose any function of your video that you desire to blur with the custom blur functionality of the editor.

There is no longer the need to worry most taking downward a YouTube video if you lot need to edit it in any way. With YouTube's editor, make the changes to your video after it's uploaded and don't lose your link or stats.

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